Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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The gate code for 2022 will be set.

The new gate code for 2022 will be set at the field in April 23, 2022.

Please login to the website to get the gate code for 2022 or contact MASM secretary. Keep the gate code in secret and never give it to anyone, even your fellow MASM member. Each MASM member should obtain their gate code only from the website or MASM secratary.

Remember in order to fly in 2022 you have to have valid AMA 2022 and have renewed 2022 MASM membership (including past due initiation fee if applicable).

For our safety and the safety of the MASM flying site every member must follow the rules listed below:

  1. The first MASM member arriving at the flying site will open one or both gates. The gates must be fully opened. For safety, make sure the gates are secured in the full open position so they cannot be accidentally moved.
  2. The last MASM member leaving the flying site will close and lock both gates.
  3. Before leaving the flying site, if there are any cars in the parking lot, make sure that they belong to a MASM member who knows MASM Flying Site Gate Rules and can lock the gate.
  4. Never leave a non-member alone at the field . Visitors or guests must leave the flying site before the last member leaves.

Login and read the entire Field Gate Rules here.


Gettogether Fun Fly April 17, 2021 at 8:00am

Gettogether Fun Fly 2021 is April 17, 2021 at 8:00am.

Hi Everyone,
I hope all is well with you and your loved ones. We are having a Hot Dog BBQ and Fun Fly April 17, 2021 at MASM flying field. This for present and past club members, so dust off those planes, and COME OUT and rejoin the human flying race ! There are some of us that are still flying and lying about how great we are !!! I know you miss that.
We will also have a club meeting at the Hot Dog BBQ. I hope to see you there.
John Stewart.

Contact John Stewart if you have questions. Click here to download the official MASM 2021 Gettogether Fun Fly flyer.


The gate code for 2021 will be set.

The new gate code for 2021 will be set at the field in April 17, 2021.

Please login to the website to get the gate code for 2021 or contact MASM secretary. Keep the gate code in secret and never give it to anyone, even your fellow MASM member. Each MASM member should obtain their gate code only from the website or MASM secratary.

Remember in order to fly in 2021 you have to have valid AMA 2021 and have renewed 2021 MASM membership (including past due initiation fee if applicable).

For our safety and the safety of the MASM flying site every member must follow the rules listed below:

  1. The first MASM member arriving at the flying site will open one or both gates. The gates must be fully opened. For safety, make sure the gates are secured in the full open position so they cannot be accidentally moved.
  2. The last MASM member leaving the flying site will close and lock both gates.
  3. Before leaving the flying site, if there are any cars in the parking lot, make sure that they belong to a MASM member who knows MASM Flying Site Gate Rules and can lock the gate.
  4. Never leave a non-member alone at the field . Visitors or guests must leave the flying site before the last member leaves.

Login and read the entire Field Gate Rules here.


The gate code for 2020 has been set.

The new gate code for 2020 has been set at the field in March 21, 2020.

Please login to the website to get the gate code for 2020 or contact MASM secretary. Keep the gate code in secret and never give it to anyone, even your fellow MASM member. Each MASM member should obtain their gate code only from the website or MASM secratary.

Remember in order to fly in 2020 you have to have valid AMA 2020 and have renewed 2020 MASM membership (including past due initiation fee if applicable).

For our safety and the safety of the MASM flying site every member must follow the rules listed below:

  1. The first MASM member arriving at the flying site will open one or both gates. The gates must be fully opened. For safety, make sure the gates are secured in the full open position so they cannot be accidentally moved.
  2. The last MASM member leaving the flying site will close and lock both gates.
  3. Before leaving the flying site, if there are any cars in the parking lot, make sure that they belong to a MASM member who knows MASM Flying Site Gate Rules and can lock the gate.
  4. Never leave a non-member alone at the field . Visitors or guests must leave the flying site before the last member leaves.

Login and read the entire Field Gate Rules here.


Toys for Tots December 7, 2019 at MASM field 9:00am to 2:00pm

We meet again at MASM flying field Saturday, December 7, 2019 with Toys for Tots. Bring a unwrapped two toys (one for girl and one for boy) between 9am and 2pm with you and fly your plane. If weather does not cooperate and does not permit, flying bring a toy anyway. Rex Williams will be there rain or shine from 9am until 2pm collecting toys which will be donated as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community.

Contact Rex Williams Jr if you have questions ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). Click here to download the official MASM 2019 Toys for Tots flyer.

Click here for more information about the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.


Letter from AMA October 7, 2019

You're receiving this email because of your affiliation with the Academy of Model Aeronautics.

The largest model aviation association in the world!

Dear member –  


We need your assistance in an urgent matter. Late last week, the FAA unexpectedly informed us that, contrary to earlier commitments to AMA, the agency is planning to limit all recreational model aircraft operations to 400 feet in controlled airspace – with no exceptions. Additionally, the FAA is proposing restrictions in uncontrolled airspace to altitudes that could present safety issues as well as limit some model aircraft operations altogether. We were stunned by this proposal and are pushing back, but we need your help.   


We urge you to send a letter to your elected representatives in Congress and ask them to contact the FAA on this critical issue. Please visit  to contact your representative. 


Congress specifically granted the FAA the flexibility to allow operations over 400 feet if safety would not be affected. The FAA has not provided AMA with any data that proves that our operations are a safety risk. As you know, our model aircraft operations do not pose any safety or security risk to local airports or aircraft. The FAA needs to honor the Congressional directive to work with AMA on these issues.    


Because of the negative impact on so many AMA members and clubs, we are going to fight this proposal with every resource at our disposal. You, our members, are our best resource.   


To have the maximum impact on this proposed policy as possible, please share this message with your friends, family and fellow club members who love our hobby. To learn more about this policy, please click here. Also monitor your emails for new information as we work to fight this restrictive policy. As always, we are committed to doing everything possible to protect the model aviation hobby. If you have questions, please contact us at (765)287-1256 or  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .




The AMA Government Affairs Team 


AMA Aviation Day Fun Fly is August 17, 2019

2019 AMA Aviation Day at MASM


August 17th. MASM is celebrating Aviation Day by hosting a Fun Fly. All PLANES of all sizes are welcomed.Please see attached flyer.Any questions please contact Rex Williams.

Dust those planes off,and come out to help support a worthy cause,where else can you go,fly, eat,fellowship,and have fun for 5 bucks!

Hope to see you there;

John Stewart.

Download the official flyer.


Armed Forces Day Static Display is May 18, 2019

2019 MASM Armed Forces Day


MASM Armed Forces Day Static Display is held at California Aerospace Museum, 3200 Freedom Park Dr., McClellan, CA on Saturday, May 18, 2019.

We will come and setup our static display at 8:00am.

The museum will open at 10am and we will be there till 5pm .

DIRECTIONS: From highway 50 take WATT AVE NORTH until you get to FREEDOM PARK DR. Turn left (WEST) to the museum. Or Goggle map quest:

California Aerospace Museum,3200 Freedom Park Dr., McClellan, CA.

Rex Williams Jr.

Download the official flyer .


New gate code will be set March 23, 2019

The new gate code for 2019 will be set at the field in March 23, 2019. 

By then you should have received your card and and new gate code by mail.  If not, please login to the website and read gate code for 2019 or contact on of MASM officers. 

Remember in order to fly in 2019 you have to have valid AMA 2019.

For our safety and the safety of the MASM flying site every member must follow the rules listed below:

  1. The first MASM or SVRW member arriving at the flying site will open one or both gates. The gates must be fully opened. For safety, make sure the gates are secured in the full open position so they cannot be accidentally moved.
  2. The last MASM or SVRW member leaving the flying site will close and lock both gates.
  3. Before leaving the flying site, if there are any cars in the parking lot, make sure that they belong to a MASM or SVRW member who knows MASM Flying Site Gate Rules.
  4. Never leave a non-member alone at the field. Visitors or guests must leave the flying site before the last member leaves.

Read the entire Field Gate Rules here.


Toys for Tots December 1, 2018 at MASM field 9:00am to 2:00pm

We meet again at MASM flying field Saturday, December 1, 2018 with Toys for Tots. Bring a unwrapped two toys (one for girl and one for boy) between 9am and 2pm with you and fly your plane. If weather does not cooperate and does not permit, flying bring a toy anyway. Rex Williams will be there rain or shine from 9am until 2pm collecting toys which will be donated as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community.

Contact Rex Williams Jr if you have questions ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). Click here to download the official MASM 2018 Toys for Tots flyer.

Click here for more information about the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.

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