Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home Latest news News from Mather August 10, 2011

News from Mather August 10, 2011

Fire at the Field:

There was a fire that burned around 59 acres a few weeks ago. Luckily, the Sacramento Fire department used this incident as a training burn.  This is a good reminder that everyone should carry a fire extinguisher with them. An ABC extinguisher would work well and they can be bought at pretty much any store in the area.

At the last meeting there was a motion passed to look into the cost of getting a water cannon extinguisher for the field.  This would be the ideal extinguisher for when there is a grass fire.  Norm is looking into the cost for us.

The Flying Field:

As many of us know we are losing the flying field. In the last few months Norm Poynter has been in contact with the owner of the Elk Grove Airport of Grantline Rd. However those talks have now come to a standstill. Norm still has calls and faxes into the owner but so far they have remained unanswered. 

We are now looking at property off of Douglas and Sunrise. There is nothing in the City of Rancho Cordova’s plan for the next 25 years for that area. We will soon be getting together with the City of Rancho Cordova to see what we need to do to start the process of acquiring the field.  

Gibson Ranch:

We are still waiting for a call from Doug Ose about coming out to Gibson Ranch to do a few flying exhibitions out there. We will be able to only fly electric aircraft off the grass field over there. If you are interested in participating please let us know.

The Open House:

Last month on July 9th we had our annual Open House. It was attended by about 60 adults and kids and many enjoyed the buddy-box flying. Of course the BBQ was a big hit.  Please check out the pictures from the Open house on our website.


We want your flying pictures. If you have any photos that are old or new please send them to the webmaster so they can be added to the website.  We should all consider throwing in a camera in our field boxes to take pictures of all the fun we have at the field.

The Club Meetings:

The Club meetings will continue to be held on the first Friday of every month at Sam’s Hoff Brau. Sam’s is located on the corner of Watt and El Camino. We look forward to seeing you there.