Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Changes to AMA's FPV Rules

The AMA finally announced the completion of revisions to its policies for R/C model aircraft operations utilizing First Person View (FPV) systems and Failsafe, Stabilization and Autopilot Systems. While modelers are already flying RC FVP models equipped with "autopilot systems" for a couple years now, this activity was not in line with AMA safety guidelines... till now.

The AMA Advanced Flight Systems Committee (AFSC) in a collaborative effort with leading members of the hobby industry and FPV community developed comprehensive guidelines to enable AMA members to utilize these systems within the parameters of AMA’s and FAA’s operational requirements. The AFSC Guidelines for these systems were presented, reviewed and adopted by the Executive Council during the October 20, 2012 council meeting.

Here are the documents published by AMA:

AMA Advanced Flight Systems Report

Operational Document for FPV Systems (AMA document # 550)

Operational Document for Failsafe, Stabilization & Autopilot Systems (AMA document #560)


Thanksgiving Food Drive Fun Fly

Support the “Canned Food Drive”.

Thanksgiving Food Drive Fun Fly is Saturday, November 17th 2012 from 10 a.m. to dark.  Just bring 4 cans of food and you will receive a full day of fun flying, great socializing, and free lunch for participants and one guest.  Collected food will be donated to the Rancho Cordova food locker. 

All Clubs are Welcome. AMA Required.

Our field is located in Sacramento County, near the intersection of Eagles Nest Rd. and Kiefer Blvd. on the former Mather Air Force Base (about one mile south of Mather Golf Course). Note: Because of the bad shape of the unpaved part of Eagles Nest Rd we recommend arriving from the south, taking Kiefer Blvd, exiting west of Sunrise Blvd or north of Jackson Hwy. Click here for information and location of Mather Aerospace Modelers Flying Field.

Contact C.D. Norm Poynter if you have questions. Click here to download the official Thanksgiving Food Drive Fun Fly flyer.


MASM family appreciation BBQ & Potluck Oct 27, 2012

MASM Family BBQ flyerAll MASM members are invited to the MASM family appreciation BBQ & Potluck 2012.  Drinks and meat will be provided

WHEN: Oct 27, 2012  10-3 pm
Where: MASM flying site

Come and enjoy food, camaraderie and flying.   Please r.s.v.p. by Oct. 15th  to Louise Bonner (phone number and e-mail in roster). Let us know how many in your party and what your bringing. 

We look forward to seeing everyone there!


MASM family appreciation BBQ & Potluck flyer.



AMA Action Alert: The Channel Island Condors need your help

August 20, 2012

Dear Friends,

One of our fellow clubs in District X is in a serious time of need.  The Channel Island Condors have been an outstanding club on California's Central Coast for more than 25 years.  During this time they have conducted 800,000+ safe flight operations, ran numerous competitions, taught area youth the value of aeromodeling, and given to charities in their community.

The land owner, California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI), has been engaged in a concerted effort to remove them from their field for some time now.  The Condors have done an excellent job of pushing back against the tactics that CSUCI has used.  Now, the University is using two incidents to justify closing the field.  They have refused to engage in any discussion on additional safety steps that could be taken to address the common denominator in these incidents.  

The Condors need your help.  Please join me in writing letters to the University, state fire officials, local council members, and their state Representative.  The Condors have made it easy; just go to this webpage to make your voices heard.  Here you'll find letters that you can send as written or, better yet, edit them to suit your own style.  While you're there, take the opportunity to join their Facebook page so you can be kept informed of the situation.  

Together we will overcome the unfair treatment the Condors are enduring and return modeling to this fine club and community.

Thank you for your help.

Lawrence Tougas
AMA Vice President
District X
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



Open House on Saturday July 21st from 9:00am to 2:00pm



Come learn to fly with the help of experienced RC pilots.  Simulators will be available -- with a buddy box you can fly a  Radio Control plane!  Bring  the whole family and enjoy a free lunch!

Click here to download Mather Aerospace Modelers Open House Flyer.


The field is located in Sacramento County, California near the intersection of Eagles Nest Rd. and Kiefer Blvd. on the former Mather Air Force Base (about one mile south of Mather Golf Course).

Take the Sunrise exit off of Rt 50 and go south on Sunrise for roughly seven miles.  Turn right on to Kiefer Road.  At the “T” intersection turn right onto the dirt road.  The field is an additionaly 300 yards on the right (east) side of Eagles Nest Road.

Click here for for information and location of Mather Aerospace Modelers Flying Field.


Check your renewal status at MASM website

Like every year, MASM office is collecting renewals through the end of January. We will start mailing new cards early February. Till then please use 2011 cards.

The gate code will be changed some day in February (announcement to follow).

Members who sent 2012 renewal can check if it was received by MASM office. Simply check if your name is posted on 2012 roster.

To protect our members privacy the roster is in the secured area available to current members only. All current members have access to that

To access MASM roster member has to log in to the website first. Then look for MASM roster 2012 at the main menu under "About MASM" section.

Toys for Tots December 3, 2011 at MASM field from 9:00am to 2:00pm

We meet again at MASM flying field Saturday, December 3, 2011 with Toys for Tots. Bring a unwrapped two toys (on for girl and one for boy) between 9am and 2pm with you and fly your plane. If weather does not cooperate and does not permit, flying bring a toy anyway. Rex Williams will be there rain or shine from 9am until 2pm collecting toys which will be donated as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community.

Contact Rex Williams Jr if you have questions ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). Click here to download the official MASM 2011 Toys for Tots flyer.

Click here for more information about the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.


Post Thanksgiving Fun-Fly November 26th 2011 from 9 a.m. to dark

Support the “Canned Food Drive”.

“Post” Thanksgiving Fun-Fly is Saturday, November 26th 2011 from 9 a.m. to dark.  Just bring 4 cans of food and you will receive a full day of fun flying, great socializing, and free lunch for participants and one guest.

All Clubs are Welcome. AMA Required.

Our field is located in Sacramento County, near the intersection of Eagles Nest Rd. and Kiefer Blvd. on the former Mather Air Force Base (about one mile south of Mather Golf Course). Note: Because of the bad shape of the unpaved part of Eagles Nest Rd we recommend arriving from the south, taking Kiefer Blvd, exiting west of Sunrise Blvd or north of Jackson Hwy. Click here for information and location of Mather Aerospace Modelers Flying Field.

Contact Dave Sullivan or Norm Poynter if you have questions. Click here to download the official “Post” Thanksgiving Fun-Fly flyer.


AMA Outraged at Terrorist Plot

AMA expresses outrage at terrorist's action, calls on aeromodeling community to be vigilant for suspicious activity

The Academy's leadership has issued a reaction to the news that a Massachusetts man has been apprehended by the FBI for attempting to convert RC model jets into UAVs similar to military drones to attack the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon. All AMA members are requested to be on alert for any suspicious activity at flying sites, hobby shops, and events.

Click here to read the AMA statement


News from Mather August 10, 2011

Fire at the Field:

There was a fire that burned around 59 acres a few weeks ago. Luckily, the Sacramento Fire department used this incident as a training burn.  This is a good reminder that everyone should carry a fire extinguisher with them. An ABC extinguisher would work well and they can be bought at pretty much any store in the area.

At the last meeting there was a motion passed to look into the cost of getting a water cannon extinguisher for the field.  This would be the ideal extinguisher for when there is a grass fire.  Norm is looking into the cost for us.

The Flying Field:

As many of us know we are losing the flying field. In the last few months Norm Poynter has been in contact with the owner of the Elk Grove Airport of Grantline Rd. However those talks have now come to a standstill. Norm still has calls and faxes into the owner but so far they have remained unanswered. 

We are now looking at property off of Douglas and Sunrise. There is nothing in the City of Rancho Cordova’s plan for the next 25 years for that area. We will soon be getting together with the City of Rancho Cordova to see what we need to do to start the process of acquiring the field.  

Gibson Ranch:

We are still waiting for a call from Doug Ose about coming out to Gibson Ranch to do a few flying exhibitions out there. We will be able to only fly electric aircraft off the grass field over there. If you are interested in participating please let us know.

The Open House:

Last month on July 9th we had our annual Open House. It was attended by about 60 adults and kids and many enjoyed the buddy-box flying. Of course the BBQ was a big hit.  Please check out the pictures from the Open house on our website.


We want your flying pictures. If you have any photos that are old or new please send them to the webmaster so they can be added to the website.  We should all consider throwing in a camera in our field boxes to take pictures of all the fun we have at the field.

The Club Meetings:

The Club meetings will continue to be held on the first Friday of every month at Sam’s Hoff Brau. Sam’s is located on the corner of Watt and El Camino. We look forward to seeing you there. 


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