To All Members:
October’s meeting was a very thrilling event. Several things of importance took place.
First we will be electing new officers at the November meeting. The open positions are for vice president and secretary. Ellis Hall and Bill Fitzgerald are running for the vice president position. The secretary position is open for volunteers. There was a unanimous decision by all members present, that the remaining officers would stay in place.
The search for a new field continues to be a challenge. In my travels and conversations with land owners, I have been cursed out, told to not come back, don’t call and no thank you! The only promising response at this time, is from Elliott Homes Corporate Office. There has been conversation with Steven Himington regarding a flying site. Keep your fingers crossed.
With that being said, I have contacted several contractors to bring our field back to the glory it once had as follows:
- J & M Seal Coat will be redoing the runway. This includes crack repair, sealing and re-striping the runway and pit area.
- Turf Pro will come out and do the final spray around the entire field.
- The shade structure and tables will be repaired by one of our members.
- The entire shade structure will be washed and painted.
- Dave Sullivan and Keith Fick volunteered to paint the existing fence and gates around the property.
- Keith Fick has graciously volunteered his services and his transfer truck to bring and dump new rock on the entire parking lot. He will need a work party to assist him.
- SMUD has been contacted by myself and asked to remove the electric pole and wires in the center of the parking lot.
- We still have a need for work parties to come out and remove the six unused telephone poles.
All of the above improvements were voted on and passed unanimously by the members present at the October meeting. If you want to help with any of these projects, please contact the above mentioned individuals (the sooner the better).
Other important news and upcoming events:
- All Clubs Swap Meet: Jim Gerow has volunteered to head up an all clubs swap meet at our field once a month.
- Thanksgiving Fly In: Keep your eyes and ears open for a Thanksgiving Fly In. The admission will be canned goods that we will donate to the Sacramento Food Kitchen.
- Christmas Party: Mark your calendars for the Christmas Party that will take place at Vince’s Restaurant on December 1 at 6:00 pm. Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm and the monster of all raffles will follow. Be there or be square!
Norman Poynter
PS. Don’t E-mail me, call me!