Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home President's corner Message from your president, November 2011

Message from your president, November 2011

November 8. 2011

To All Members:

The November meeting went well, Ellis Hall remains the Vice Pres. Matt Orr with the help of Rex Williams will still be Secretary.

The shade structure was painted and looks great. The road to our site was graded up to the second gate, no more bomb craters! The first of next week the runway and pit area will be coated and re-striped. We still need a work party to anchor parking lot poles (back-up) for vehicles, The 6 vertical poles on the north end need to be removed. Sac Rotary will be painting this weeked the remainder of our perimeter fencing. If the weather hold up, Keith Fick will deliver rock for parking lot.

The Christmas party is December 1, Doors open at 6:pm, dinner at 7:pm. A mailer has been sent out with menue and price. Send them back with your choices (ASAP).

We still are having the Thanksgiving Fly-In on the 26th, bring 4 can of food, no dent please, They will go to Sacramento Food Bank.

The Christmas Toys for Tots will be held on Dec. 3, 2011 from 9a.m. until 2p.m. (1 boy and 1 girl toy) unwrapped please. Contact Rex Williams if you would like to help.

I have contacted the Sacramento Bee and Channel 40 and 10 to attmpt to get coverage for the club and our events, this can stimulate new intrest and (new members).

This has been a good year for the club with lots of changes. Next year will be better and we will continue to move forward and make our club stand out from the rest.


Norm Poynter.