Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home President's corner Message from your president, Decemberr 2011

Message from your president, Decemberr 2011

December 19. 2011


All M.A.S.M. members the past year has been exciting to say the least.  From loosing site, looking for a new one, changing meeting location, field closures and all the upgrades to the field.

WOW!!!! you guys must really like this hobby. This club is a great one, The Open House, Mc Cullen Museum display, Thanksgiving Food Drive and Toys For Tots all showed we have the drive to promote the hobby.

The coming year I challenge all of you to come up with suggestions for new event that not just involve modlers, we need to increase our membership. Young flyer's are the wave of the future and we need to tap that well. I will push hard to advertise all 2012 events and get (press).

The first meeting of the year will be held at the Field (NEW YEAR'S DAY 12:00 P.M.) So bring your Christmas present out and show off. Let start the year with a bang! So bring your special chili, desert,or snack and this will be the start of a fantastic flying season.   

Norman Poynter,

"Thanks for all your support"