January 22, 2012
Well the new year started out with a BANG!!!!!, New Years day went extremely well. Thanks to everyone who contributed food, drinks, condiments all the things that made it a wonderful opening day.
This year we will start a club swap meet, the first Saturday each month, hosted by Jim Gerow. Give him a hand, bring out your items, lets have fun.
This April we have been asked to display our planes at Cal Expo. This is the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of America. Rex Williams and Norman Poynter will C.D. this event. We need volunteers, planes,and lap tops. RC Country will donate kits and display items. This is a great opportunity for MASM to be on display at such a large venue.
May, we are on display again at MC Cullen Air Museum. Those of you who attended last year know how much fun we had,Rex Williams will C.D. this event (he needs volunteers). With the remodeling of our site.
We as one of the largest R.C. clubs in the Sacramento area should lead the way with one event a month. I will contact the surrounding clubs with and open invitation for May, June,August and September (dates discussed at February meeting) to come and enjoy our site. This will require members to step up and C.D. and event "give it a go".
The monthly meetings will continue at Sam's Hof Brau. More members are ordering food before and after the meetings.
There are still three constructions projects coming to our field,
- shade structures on N. and S. ends of pits
- safety fence( pits and spectator area)
- table covering.
The county has given it's O.K. to remove the pole and wires from parking lot. Give S.M.U.D. room when they come out.
Clean up continues to be a problem on both entry roads. If you see anything please move it to the corner of Eagles Nest and Keifer Rd. Waste Management will remove it.
We need to establish four dedicated field maint. and clean-up days during the year. This assures we comply with the terms of our lease with the County and looks good to new owners.
Remember to renew your club membership by next meeting.
Norman Poynter