Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home President's corner Letter from President April 17 2012

Letter from President April 17 2012

MASM President

So far so good,

We had a very productive meeting this month; attendance is up and hopefully will increase.

Hank’s Treasury Report was impeccable as always, with all the money spent on upgrades we are still looking great.

Rex is still working on the caps and should have something soon.

The upcoming event at Cal Expo (Girl Scout 100th Anniversary) is next, good to see we had members who stepped up. This will be a great chance to expose M.A.S.M. to the Sacramento community in a large venue. We will keep all volunteers advised. Contact Rex Williams or Norman Poynter if you can help.

The work party Saturday was a thing of beauty. There was at least 20 members all working in unison. Ages from 9 to 79 and possibly older. The truck transfer was operated with precision, wheel barrows moved with the speed of Indy Cars, and the rake and shovel crew (all 70 and up) never broke a sweat. Even the S.V.R.W. members came out to help and improve their pit area and helped with ours. You will also notice the telephone pole was removed from the parking area. Finally the N. and S. shade structures are being erected in preparation for HOT summer to come.

We will be working with the S.A.M. club on a charity race (children's cancer) May 5-6, 2012. Come out and show your support!!! Also cheer for M.A.S.M. sponsored racer Dave Sullivan in the Gold Heat.

IMAA Chapter 679 will be hosting the West Coast "MINI-FEST" at Castle Airport, May 24-27, 2012 hope to see our members there. Great chance to see some models, excellent flying and meet other modelers.


See you at the field!!!
