Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home President's corner Letter from President May 17 2012

Letter from President May 17 2012

MASM President

Hello all MASM Members,  

The year is moving along quite fast, we have accomplished a lot with our site and at the meetings.  I would like to take this time to thank all the members who have come forth and put in back breaking labor at the field. IT LOOKS GREAT!!!! Maybe this will inspire other members who never make meetings and  only show up to fly.

The Girl Scout event at Cal Expo went well, the final head count was 86,000 people. We had people who showed interest and tried the simulators. Thanks to all who came and represented the club.

This weekend Saturday May 19, 2012 we are at Mc Cullen Air Museum for Arm Fores Day, still time to volunteer, contact Rex Williams.

The problems with the road and dumping continues, Mr. Munoz and DOT will work with us to find a solution. Also we have attracted the attention of a tagger called the Evil One who paints the gate and road signs. Remember if you can get a vehicle tag number and make the county will prosecute no questions asked.

We still have members who leave the gate open with the code on the lock, I`ve received 6 e-mails and several phone calls on this matter, only takes one time and all can be vandalized.

The problem with fuel and gas on the tables still exist, we had a visitor from the County out this week who left with a nice fuel stain on his new jacket, the signs are there for a reason.

We have attracted several new flyer's who want to join the club, so keep talking it up when people ask.

Finally the next meeting will be at the field June 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. We will have a raffle and fire up the barbecue bring your favorite dish this will be pot luck.

See you there!!!!!
