Hello everyone,
Well the first meeting at our new and improved site went well, It was great to see all who showed and enjoy a bite to eat. Thanks to all who showed others some love and brought a dish.
We discussed the turn out at the Castle Mini Fest, several M.A.S.M members had a wonderful time there, I think they will be back.
Dave Sullivan and Keith Fick did very well at the Sam Clubs " Children`s Cancer Charity Race ". Also S.A.M.s wanted to extend a big THANK YOU for our donation.
The raffle was good, lots of prizes for all.
Now there was a small fire at the field, couple of acres. With the introduction of electrics in the past few years, fires have become a large problem that the A.M.A. is dealing with. Make sure your equipment is compatible and installed properly. We will have a 5 gallon bucket and ladle per flight station for fire protection, in the event of fire do what you can but first CALL FIRE DEPT. 911.
The County and D.O.T. have had enough of illegal dumping and vandals. I was told that the South entrance, Eagles Nest Rd. and Keifer Blvd. will be closed permanently with new barricades. Our site is still safe we will enter from the North side (golf course).The time line I was given. 6-15-2012 so be aware!!!!!!
On a final note, we have more aircraft crossing our site, ( be aware) more than in past years.
See you at the field!!!
Norman Poynter