Well gentlemen another month or two has gone by and the flying has been great. I must apologize to you all for not passing on the word from the monthly meeting, grade school home work is a b----.
I first want to remind all the Members Family Barbecue is around the corner, October 27, 2012. Ms. Bonner has been working hard to get the word out and make the a success, call and R.S.V.P. so we have and accurate head count, also get your favorite dish ready ( pot luck ) to add to the menu.
The next meeting we are having officer elections, L. Bonner is running for Vice President and Rex Williams is up for the Secretary position. Matt Orr has let the club know his job has picked up and his time is very limited so he will step down.
I would like to take this time to thank Matt for all the work and time he put into the position, keeping minutes, sending out membership cards and all the paper work is no small task. He will be mist! Give him a shout and show your appreciation, he deserves that from all the members, THANKS MATT !!! AND TAKE THE PHONE OUT OF YOUR POCKET.
We also voted to send out sticker to place on your A.M.A. Card, this will replace your membership card and show your a member in good standing.
The problems with dumping still persist at the field, we placed logs to curb the road at the County`s request, this may or may not help. We also voted to increase site and road clean up to the 1st Saturday of each month and the 1st Tuesday of the same for the Old Farts. We are currently looking at the idea of a yearly dues reduction if you attend so many clean ups, hows that sound to you guys?
With the holidays approaching keep your eyes open for the Second Annual "Thanksgiving Food Fly-Inn" this November, donations going to Rancho Cordova Food Locker, date will be posted soon and C.D. by yours truly.
December 7, 2012 we have the Annual Dinner at Vince`s with a change in menu: Prime Rib $22.95, we need at least 12 orders, Prawns $20.95, Lasagna $19.90, and Chicken $18.95, factor in tax and tip.
Also in December the Toys For Tots Drive, hosted by Rex Williams is on the books, Rex has been doing this for a while and always appreciates your support.
BE AT THE NEXT MEETING TO VOTE, ALSO ITS NOT TOO LATE IF YOU WANT TO NOMINATE SOME ONE FOR A POSITION OR THROW YOUR OWN HAT IN. The club is moving forward TOGETHER we can keep the tradition of r.c. flying at Gene Hughes alive for future members. Thanks for all your support the past two years.
Norman Poynter,
President M.A.S.M