Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home President's corner Letter from President November 14, 2012

Letter from President November 14, 2012

Hello MASM,  

Well flyers the year is coming to a close, and it`s been one to remember!  

Lets start with our field, its looking great !!!! If we keep up the trash collections on the 1st Saturday and 1st Tuesday everything else will fall in place.

Vandalism continues to be a problem, the fantastic shade covers will be replaced with metal ones, as well as the spectator area. The logs placed on the road south of our site will be anchored down. And new locks will be welded on to the gate, this is due to the lock theft problem in our clubs, "fixed wing and rotary wing".

The last meeting we held elections, L. Bonner was elected to the V.P. position, welcome her, the Secretary position is still open. LETS NOT ALL STEEP UP AT ONE TIME.  Meeting attendance has tapered off, check the Christmas invitation and send in your suggestion to improve the turn out.

This weekend, November 17, 2012 is the Food Drive Fly- In. Bring out your planes and go for it! The food will be donated to Rancho Cordova Food Locker.

Also lets get those Christmas Dinner orders in, if you had fun last year, you and the lady will really enjoy this year.

Don`t forget about the Toys For Tots, Rex Williams is looking for a better turn out this year, lets not let him down!  

I personally want to thank all the members who have come through and rolled up their sleeves to make our site what it is. That type of participation makes it a pleasure to hold the position of President.  


Thank You All, Norman Poynter

President M.A.S.M