Well Hello To All,
It`s been awhile and lots has happened. Thanks to all who sent their condolences, it`s been a rough year for me and family. Your well wishes made it easier.
The summer heat is up, triple digits and flyer`s at the field are down, single digits. That`s to be expected until cooler weather prevails. Meetings continue and numbers are down there too. I've gotten several suggestions to improve this, ALL HAVE BEEN TRIED !! At this point maybe MASM should reduce the monthly meetings to by-monthly or quarterly. The problem is, We the Board would have to make that decision due to lack of members to form a quorum. Something to think about because at the next meeting, August 1, 2014 that will happen.
On another note participation is down at club sponsored events, the minimum we can do is support our own members at events. The last two events at our field there where more guest than MASM FLYER`S. Every guest who visits our site has nothing but praise for what we have accomplished. Something more members should hear. That alone should instill some degree of pride and increase members participation. The Open House came and went with out an e-mail, phone call, or question from the 90 paid members in the club. Whats Up !!
MASM Officers Elections approaching." We" The board are questioning the future of the club. If no members are willing run for position. It`s not fair to those who always step up and carry the weight and responsibly of keeping our field open, paper work done, membership current and books ($$) in proper order. MATHER FIELD/GENE HUGHES FLYING SITE doesn't run on automatic.
This will be my last year as President. Not because of the above mentioned reasons, family matters require my attention. I have talked to different club members about stepping into my position. No insult to anyone, but we need new younger flyer`s with enthusiasm and fresh ideas.
The same old thing and status quote is out dated and won`t take us into the future. This hobby has changed drastically in the last 20 years, it was started by ( modelers) who took great pride in building, exchanging ideas, flight training and supporting the hobby. Now we have ( buy and fly ) there is little attachment to aircraft and out side of flying, no commitment to clubs or club functions. Its not only us but other clubs too. We are a family oriented flying club, not racing or war birds. You would think that would increase our draw but it has not. So its up to you.
Sincerely, Norman Poynter MASM Pres.