Mather Aerospace Modelers, Inc

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Home President's corner Letter from President May 1 2023

Letter from President May 1 2023

The 2022 MASM Christmas Party at the Golden Corral was a great success. We had a good turn-out of 30 members and guests After enjoying a great buffet, the meeting got underway. I began the meeting by introducing our Officers. The service Appreciation award for John Stewart was shown but John could not be there due to illness. Next, we had a moment of remembrance for Rex Williams II. Rex was a long-time member of MASM and was instrumental in getting the club to be a “Gold Leader” club for many years by having activities such as Toys for Tots, open field days for Girl Scouts, Mall Shows, etc. He will be sorely missed. The following video recounts some memories of interactions with Rex.

Rex Tribute

Unfortunately, Rex Williams III could not attend but he was very pleased to receive the video. When I was looking for a good date to have the party, I thought that December 7 would be ideal. I was able to get the room at the Golden Corral for that night. I was able to get a copy of a WWII poster to display for our night that was a theme of REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR. We had a moment of silence to honor those that died that day at Pearl Harbor and then we had members of the party recount stories of their friends and relatives that served in the war. I then asked for all who have served in the armed forces to stand and be given recognition.

We then moved on to highlight the goals of MASM in 2023. These are to complete asphalt repair of the runway, reinstall the gate posts, and paint the runway. Our goal is to increase MASM membership by 50% by encouraging members to spread the word that we will be keeping the field and it remains a top location for RC flying. We will also try to have three Club Events and start by having our annual Freeze and Fly on January 1, 2023. Due to torrential rains that occurred in California in late December, we have opted to have a Spring Fun Fly when better weather is certain, probably in April. Dan Cunningham has agreed to serve a breakfast the morning of the event. Finally, we will look at restarting our Gold Leader status which we lost in 2018 due to lack of events. An update of the web site is also planned.

To complete the evening, we began the process of having a raffle. We had a total of 16 prizes to hand out. While the table had more than 16 prizes, this gave each winner a chance to pick the prize that best suited their wants/needs. I should point out that Art Harreden generously donated several items on the gift table and also bought lots of raffle tickets for his party of five. To start off each women present received an Amazon gift card.

First Choice Prize (Member Only Tickets)

The First prize was one for which each MASM member got one free ticket. The winner of this prize was Abby Cunningham who is also our only female RC pilot.
Abby Cunningham

At this point all raffle tickets purchased were put into the drum.

2nd Prize: John Gundros – Fokker DV 250 Airplane Kit
John Gundros

3rd Prize: Arthur Harrington - One O Nine
Arthur Harrington

4th Prize: Louise Harrington - $50 RC Country Gift Card
Louise Harrington

5th Prize: Rob Hills - DX6 Transmitter
Rob Hills

6th Prize: John Gundros_P40 Kit .20 scale Airplane Kit
John Gundros 6

7th Prize: Scott Hale - Electrostik Rx-R Airplane Kit
Scott Hale

8th Prize: David Stewart Membership Renewal
David Stewart

9th Prize: David Stewart $25 RC Country Gift Card
David Stewart 9

10th Prize: Debbie McDowell $30 RC Country Gift Card
Debbie McDowell

11th Prize: Dean $25 RC Country Gift Card

12th Prize: Will Clenney HiTEC X1ACPluss Charger
Will Clenney

13th Prize: Dominic Cecchetti Space Walker II Airplane Kit
Dominic Cecchetti

14th Prize: David Cole - One O Nine Airplane Kit
David Cole

15th Prize: Les Gillett - Sky Raider Airplane Kit
Les Gillett

Thus ended a very enjoyable 2022 MASM Christmas Party.